Losing a tooth is a natural process that every child in the world has to undergo. This phase is a milestone that marks the growth of your little one. It is important for the baby teeth to fall off so that the permanent teeth can get sufficient space to grow.
Normally, the process of tooth shedding starts at the age of 4 and lasts up to the age of 7. However, it varies from child to child, the earlier your child starts teething, the earlier he or she will start losing teeth. Most parents dread this process, but the truth of the matter is that there is nothing to be afraid or worried about.
You can make your child’s tooth shedding journey a happy growing experience by taking the right aftercare measures. So here are 5 tips that will help your child to cope with tooth loss.
Comfort your child:
Kids tend to be excited about the idea of losing their first teeth, but they are not completely ready for the pain. When the process begins and the first tooth falls off comfort your kid, tell them everything will be okay. Furthermore, you also need to talk to them about the importance of oral hygiene.
Take proper measures to ease their pain:
The actual process of losing teeth does not hurt that much it is the part that comes earlier that hurts. The gums may become tender; the tissue holding the tooth may swell and start to ache. When this happens you could try easing the pain by using an ice pack or you can also give them mild pain relievers after consulting a doctor.
Award them on losing their first tooth:
When the first tooth finally falls off, you should definitely give your child a treat. This will help them feel better and take their head off the pain they are experiencing.
Know the right time to seek professional help:
In some children, the tooth shedding procedure can turn out to be extremely painful or even late. If your child has not started losing teeth by the age of 8 you or is in too much pain and complains of excessive bleeding you should definitely consult a dentist.
Baby tooth shedding process is one of the most important growing stages in your child’s life as they carve the path for a beautiful adult smile. Hence, you need to ensure that your baby has positive and not painful memories of this process!
If you are looking for a pediatric dentist in Pune then Dental Sphere (+91 9673256232) is the perfect place for you! They have been recognized as the best children dental care providers in Pune. When it comes to your child do not compromise on anything, give them a call right away!