Know How to Prepare Yourself for Tooth Extraction Procedure

Losing a baby tooth in childhood may have been traumatizing for some and fun for others. Not to forget, the concept of a tooth fairy helped mask the pain and replaced it with some fantastical excitement. However, the same can’t be said about losing a tooth as an adult through the extraction process. In fact, tooth extraction can be stressful for many.
It is a recommended procedure for removing a damaged/infected tooth or sometimes even a wisdom tooth. Some orthodontic treatments also call for tooth extraction wherein extra teeth or too much crowding of teeth needs to be dealt with. Irrespective of the reasons, it’s imperative for the patient to be comfortable with the idea of the surgical process. This is true especially for patients who’ve not undergone any surgery in the past.
If you’re one of the patients who are a bit nervous about the procedure, then just loosen up. Things will be smoother if you prepare yourself in advance. Enlisted below are some steps that will educate you & make you comfortable for the upcoming procedure and are often endorsed by the top-rated dentist and orthodontist in Pune.
Step No#1: Clarify all your doubts
The best way to ease your anxiety is to talk about the procedure with the dentist or the oral surgeon. Prepare a list of questions about the treatment that you want to know about. Don’t hesitate; no query is silly as long as it satisfies your curious mind. After all, it’s your mouth and you need to be 100% sure. So, be confident and comfortable to get all your doubts clear. We, at Dental Sphere, the dental clinic in Pune ensure our patients are fully aware of the procedure. We provide them with the required details so they prepare themselves accordingly and feel relaxed.
Step No#2: Disclose your medical history
Before having a tooth pulled, you need to inform the respective surgeon about your complete medical history as well as the medications and supplements you take. Make sure to appraise the doctor if you have any one of the following (this list is not a complete list):
- The artificial joint, such as a hip replacement
- Impaired immune system
- Heart-related issues
- Liver disease (cirrhosis)
- History of bacterial endocarditis etc.
Even if you’re under the care of a top dentist, this information is critical for safe and effective treatment. It helps the concerned surgeon to identify the associated risks and take necessary preventive measures so that everything goes smoothly.
Step No#3: Anesthesia and painkillers
During the tooth extraction process, it’s normal to give anesthesia or sedation to the patient. Make sure to figure out which medications will be used for your treatment. As dental care providers at Dental Sphere – the dental clinic in Swargate, we do come across patients who are allergic to some kinds of medications. In such cases, it’s always better to inform the dentist if you have experienced any side effects in the past. This allows the specialist to prepare a medication plan that is most suitable for you. Also, note that painkillers are prescribed as part of the recovery process. So, if you have a preference for types of painkillers, let your dentist know.
Step No#4: Avoid eating
Before the surgery, avoid having a full stomach. Generally, dentists suggest no eating for 8 to 10 hours prior to the surgery if general anesthesia is planned. This is to ensure you don’t feel nausea during and after the procedure. However, no such fasting is needed if your surgeon plans to use a local anesthetic (medication applied to numb an area of your mouth while performing the respective procedure.)
Step No#5: Arrange for your transportation
It is never a good idea to drive yourself home after the surgery as anesthesia can slow reflexes, slow your thought processes, and in some cases cause amnesia in the hours following surgery. So, while you may feel like yourself, your ability to drive may be impaired. To prevent any issues with safety, prior to your surgery take the time to arrange for transportation home with a friend or family member. If appropriate, you can also book a car service such as a taxi or Uber.
Other things to remember
- Wear a comfortable and loose dress
- Do not smoke prior to the surgery
- Remove all jewelry
- Remove contact lenses, if any
- Pull your hair away from the face
Aftercare tips
Once the procedure is done and you are back home take all the necessary precautions so that the healing is fast. You must relax for one to two days after the procedure and take all the prescribed medications.
Go for soft foods so you don’t have to chew or bite anything hard. Also, when lying down, prop your head on a pillow as it will comfort you. Avoid brushing the extraction site and don’t’ even think of smoking.
Experiencing some amount of swelling is normal but if you notice any of the following symptoms then notify your doctor immediately:
- Fever or chills
- Severe bleeding
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Nausea or vomiting
These could be the signs of a possible infection and hence must be addressed instantly.
Still, having doubts or not feeling confident about the tooth extraction process? Get in touch with Dental Sphere- the trusted dental clinic in Kondhwa and Swargate. We’ll guide you through all so you can make an informed and confident decision!