3 Dental Treatment Options to Overcome Teeth Gap

September 19, 2019 by Dr. Shrenik Parmar0

A tooth gap or ‘Diastema’ is among the most common concerns faced by people. Many of them have a perfect color, texture, and alignment, but just a slight gap in their front two teeth which inhibits their ability to smile. Some have gaps between several or all of their teeth which are not just aesthetically displeasing, but also potentially hazardous for your oral health. You can overcome the teeth gap by taking advantage of cosmetic dentistry. Dental Sphere, a leader in cosmetic dentistry in Pune, brings you a detailed article regarding the types of treatment available for diastema. Before that, let us learn a bit more about the reasons leading to diastema.

What causes a tooth gap?

There are several reasons that could lead to gaps in your teeth. These gaps commonly occur in the front two teeth but could also be present in the rest of the teeth. The reasons for diastema include:

  • Genetics is the most common factor that can influence your jaw and teeth placement. If one of the parents has a diastema, the child has a good chance to inherit the same
  • A mismatch between the size of the jaw bones and the size of the teeth can either cause a gap between several teeth or crowding/overlapping of teeth
  • An oversized labial frenum, which is the piece of tissue that stretches from the inside of your upper lip to the gums, can create a gap
  • Childhood habits like thumb sucking can potentially pull the front teeth forward, creating a gap
  • Certain gum related disease or accident that has misaligned your teeth from their actual places.

For some, a gap in their teeth might not be an aesthetic issue. In fact, some are even proud of that gap which gives them a distinct identity. However, one should also note that gaps make teeth more vulnerable to breakage and damage. It is always better to get them treated before they lead to other dental disorders. Dental Sphere, one of the best and foremost dentist in Pune, brings you the 3 most common treatments to cure diastema.

    1. Dental Bonding:

Dental bonding is the cheapest, quickest and easiest of the 3 treatments. Bonding is accomplished in merely one or two visits to the dentist. Bonding involves the application of a tooth-colored composite resin to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discolored tooth. The material is fashioned like the natural tooth and is hardened with a special light which “bonds” it to the tooth and closes the gap.


      • The process is simple, quick and easy on the pocket.
      • Dental bonding is a reversible process as it does not require the extraction of tooth enamel.
      • Chipped bonding can be redone whenever required.


      • The bonding material is a bit more prone to staining.
      • The resin material is prone to chipping and breaking off the tooth after a few years.
    1. Veneers

Dental veneers are thin but strong pieces of tooth-colored porcelain cemented on the surface of your natural teeth. The procedure is more involved than dental bonding as it requires removing a thin layer of enamel from the front of your teeth to make room for the veneers and building the tooth in a lab. This, however, is a long-lasting and aesthetically perfect solution. Once bonded to your teeth, porcelain becomes very sturdy and difficult to break. Many celebrities get dental veneers done for that perfect smile.


      • Veneers are highly stain-resistant and are not easily affected by tea, coffee or other colored drinks and food.
      • They look more natural and beautiful
      • They are strong and firm
      • It’s a permanent treatment


      • Dental Veneers are irreversible
    1. Orthodontics

For severe cases of misaligned teeth, crooked teeth, gaps in all teeth, overbite or deep bite, dental orthodontics or dental braces is the preferred treatment. Orthodontics restructure several teeth at once until they are aligned properly. It is a long duration treatment and might require one to several years depending upon the severity of the condition. There are various types of braces available according to their looks and price as follows:

      • Metal braces: These are the ones most people picture instantly when you mention ‘braces’. Metal braces are the least expensive but most noticeable. These days, they also come in colored bands to make kids feel better about their braces.
      • Ceramic braces: Ceramic braces are similar to metallic ones, except that they have tooth colored or clear brackets to blend with the teeth. They are a bit more expensive than metallic ones.
      • Invisalign: These are the most premium among the lot as they are made of high-quality plastic, are removable, and when worn are almost invisible. There are no metal wires or brackets that need to be fastened to your teeth, just wear your brace for a minimum of 20 hours a day.


      • It is a Natural method of aligning teeth
      • Cheaper than other treatments
      • Non-invasive method


    • Takes a long time to show results
    • Might take some time for the patient to accept the look and feel of braces

If you are confused about what treatment options you should go for, visit Dental Sphere today and consult with our dentist!

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